
Philatelic Society - News Archive 2000-2004
here for Archive 2005 to date
for Davis - Annual Competitions
December 2004
traditionally means competitions
and seasonal refreshments for
the monthly Saturday Meeting
of the National Philatelic Society
and December 11, 2004 was no
In the
Competitions, War Tax issues
expert John Davis not only won
the Traditional
Philately class
for the second year running, but
also beat off other entrants to
take runner up place as well.
His winning entry was “ Turks
and Caicos Islands – First Two
Settings of the War tax Overprint”
and his runner up entry was
“Ceylon, the War
Stamps and their uses “
The Thematic
Class was won
by Maurice Shorten
with “Victoria
Falls – a World Heritage”
while the runner up was Peter
Wood with “Aspects of Ireland”.
The Aerophilately
award was
won by John
Grant with “Japan
Airmails, 1919-35” and
the runner up was Rodney Knight
with “Spanish Guinea – Early
The Johnson
Award for philatelic writing was
presented to Allan
Boyce for his article “Postage
Stamps from Crete” which
appeared in the National’s
magazine “The Stamp Lover “
in October 2003. The award is
presented annually to the author
the most popular original
article in the
The presentations
were preceded by a well-attended
auction and seasonal refreshment. |

Boyce is presented with the
Johnson Award by Michael Furnell,
Editor of Stamp Lover
Meetings for the National PS
– NOW ON THURSDAYS as well as
National Philatelic Society
is holding nine additional evening
meetings during the 2004-05
Season, following the success
of the experiment earlier in
2004. The meetings
will take place on a Thursday
in the latter part of most months
and on these days the Library
will be open from 11 am until
6.30 pm, with philatelic literature
and material from circulated
club books will be for sale
from 5 pm. The displays start
about 6.30 pm, finishing around
7.45 pm. It is hoped
these extra meetings will particularly
appeal to stamp enthusiasts
working or living in Central
London and full details of the
Dates and Displays can be found
by clicking here.
Annual General Meeting of the National
Philatelic Society 10th July 2004
in the new meeting room at the British
Philatelic Centre, those attending
this year’s Annual General Meeting
heard of the challenges facing the
Society in terms of its new lease
commitments and the effects of the
refurbishment and re-organisation of
the British Philatelic Centre earlier
in 2004. The latter had led to the
closure of the Library in February and
March 2004 and its re-location to the
first and second floors of the Centre,
where it can be reached by lift.
the same time, however, our President,
Richard Pratt, was pleased to point to
an expansion of the National’s
activities – the successful
experiment with Evening Meetings
in April and May 2004, as a result of
which Thursday Evening Meetings will
become a permanent feature of the New
Season - the introduction of a
Saturday meeting (with the usual
Auction and Display) in August -
arrangements to expand the packet with
a Postal History section. All this is
to be accompanied by a membership
drive in the coming months.
Ian Nutley has decided to stand down
as Vice-President and Programme &
Competitions Secretary due to other
commitments and Christine Earle has
also retired from Council. Michael R
Thompson was appointed as a
Vice-President to fill the vacancy,
whilst Stuart Henderson is taking over
the Programme Secretary and Dane
Garrod, the Annual Competitions. Other
Officers and members of Council were
re-appointed and subsequent to the AGM,
Council has been pleased to welcome
Christopher Oliver and Peter Wood as
co-opted members.
July 2004
President of the
National PS
Meetings Experiment
Extra Meetings are to be held on the
evenings of Thursday 29th April and Thursday
27th May. Thursday
29 April
- Display by Colin Spong FRPSL: AN ASPECT
27 May - Display by John
Rawlings: GERMANY THE WAR YEARS 1939-45
- These
experimental meetings are being arranged
for those who
- Are unable to join
us on Saturdays - Simply wish to
enjoy more Displays
- On these
- The Library will be open
11 am – 6.30 pm - Material from
Circulated Packet Books will be on sale
5.30 pm – 6.30 pm - The Displays
will start at 6.30 pm
- We hope
that these meetings will prove attractive
to new and existing members. The aim
is that they become a regular feature
of our programme from September 2004
onwards in addition to our long-standing
Saturday meetings.
April 2004
National has a Successful Competitions
Day – December 2003 Michael
Pitt-Payne wins the annual Johnson
Literary Award
There were 19 entries for the
National Philatelic Society’s
Annual Competitions, on Saturday
December 13. This was not only
a healthy increase on previous
years but resulted in some close
winners were
Traditional -
John Davis - A Study of War
Tax stamps of the British Empire
History - Jean Ruskin
- Inspectors’ Marks on pre-stamp
era Great Britain covers
Thematic -
Maurice Shorten - "Victor
Hugo, his life and times "
Aerophilately -
Stuart Henderson - Canadian
 John Davis receives
the "Traditional Class"
Trophy from Richard Pratt, President
of the "National".
The runners up were
Traditional - Christine
Earle with the 1939 Swiss National
Exhibition issue Postal
History - Michael Lawrence
Goodman "Underpaid US Mail
1850's to 1900's"
Thematic - Sheila
Foster "From Vine to Wine"
The judges Maurice Flack
and John Grant praised the overall
level of entries and said they
had to make some difficult decisions.
The judging was followed
by the presentation of the winners'
awards and the presentation
of the 2002 Johnson
Literary Award to Michael
Pitt-Payne for his article entitled
"Unpaid and Underpaid Mail
in the UK 1838 to 1955” which
appeared in the October 2002
"Stamp Lover”. The award
is presented annually to the
author of the most popular original
article published in the National's
magazine. The
award, a Victorian glass writing
set, is endowed and named after
the late F M (‘Boy’) Johnson,
son of the co-founder of the
National's forerunner, the Junior
Philatelic Society. Michael
Pitt-Payne said his article
was based on a display he presented
at the Royal and he kindly displayed
some of his material alongside
the winning entries and runner
up entries to the competition.
Autumn Stampex
members of the National Philatelic Society
won awards at Autumn Stampex, 2003.
One member received a Gold and the others
received a total of 15 awards, including
eight Vermeils. The range
of subjects of their entries reflects the
diverse philatelic interests of the Society.
The Gold went to Alan Anyon
for “Colombia
Revenue Documents and Stamps”. Dr Richard Saundry
won a Large
and the Aerophilatelic
Research Medal for “From Flood
to Flourishing Flight". Other
winners were Vermeils John Davies
Genesis of the Jubilee Envelope” Trevor Davis
Colonies - The 1873 Inter-Colonial Conference
and all that” Steven Ellis “French
Transatlantic Mail” Edward Proud “Federated
Malay States - Post Offices and Postmarks” and
use of Malayan Stamps, Issue of Provisional
Stationery” Robin Tibbenham “The
Rise and Fall of Machin Vended Booklets” Prof John West
History of Chile during WWI”.
Literature awards included the Francis Webb Memorial
Trophy and
a Vermeil to Dr Geoffrey Eibl-Kaye
for Volume
9 of "Cross Post”. Large Silver Medals Edward Proud
Settlements - Post Offices and Postmarks
and "Unfederated Malay
States - Post Offices and Postmarks" Silver Medal Andrew Skilling
Imperforate Issues of Queen Isabella II" Bronze Silver
Chris Podger “Cyprus – “Stamps for
Revenue, from KGVI to the Republic” and for his literature
entry "The Revenue Stamps
of Cyprus". Information Stand
led by the National Philatelic Society’s
Exhibitions Officer, Dane Garrod, a team
of volunteers once again staffed the Information
Stand on the “Village Green”.
Supplying information to the many visitors
to the Show and representing the Association
of British Philatelic Societies, the British
Philatelic Trust and the National Philatelic
Society, this again demonstrated the Society’s
long standing commitment to supporting organised
philately – as well as being good fun and
successful in terms of recruiting new members
for the National, all of whom we
are very pleased to welcome to the Society.
October 2003 |
104th Annual
General Meeting of the National Philatelic
Society 12th July 2003
attending the National Philatelic Society’s 104th Annual
General Meeting at the British Philatelic Centre on
Saturday 12 July heard Richard Pratt report on the events
and challenges of the first year as President. In doing
so he referred to the working party that has been set
up under the chairmanship of Vice-president, Dane Garrod
to see whether the Society can improve the services
that it offers to existing and potential members and
stressed that views and ideas from members are welcomed.
The various Officers’ reports testified that overall
the Society is in good health. Tribute was
paid to the late Mr H S Whittaker, who died in December
2002 and whose dedication to the NPS Library over many
years had been of such value to the Society and users
of the Library. Barbara Priddy joined Council,
whilst Bill Hill, Frank Jones and Richard West had decided
to stand down and were duly thanked for their services
to Council. Frank Jones was President
of the National Philatelic Society 1995-2002, which
period saw the successful celebration of the Society’s
Centenary in 1999, whilst Richard West had served on
Council for over 25 years and was President 1984 –1995.
In recognition of these services and their Presidencies,
both Frank and Richard have since been granted Honorary
Life Membership of the NPS.
July 2003
December 2002
103rd Annual General
Meeting of the National Philatelic
Society 13th July 2002 The
The 103rd Annual
General Meeting of the National Philatelic
Society saw some important changes to the
Council, the principal one being the installation
of a new President - Major 'Dickie' Pratt
FRPSL. The others were the election of a
new Vice President - Dane Garrod and the
appointment of a new Hon Treasurer - Simon
Richards. Frank Jones FRPSL
the retiring President, who has served for
the past 8 years, in his address to the
meeting reviewed his years in the post and
thanked all those many officers and members
who have assisted in the running of the
NPS. Their help had successfully overcome
the problems that he had encountered at
the commencement of his Presidency. He expressed
the belief that the Society should endeavour
to follow the example of the NPS founder
Fred Melville and strive to be innovative.
He added that relationships in our hobby
are most important and these days no society
can exist in isolation, he cited examples
of co-operation between the British Philatelic
Trust, the ABPS and the NPS on the joint
stand project. In his vote of thanks
to Frank Jones, Ian Nutley, the Senior Vice
President, expressed his and the Society's
warm appreciation for the work that Frank
had put in, in his 8 years as President.
Major Pratt echoed Ian Nutley's remarks
and added that he was honoured to have served
with Frank Jones on the Council and as his
Vice President. In Dickie Pratt
we have a distinguished philatelist as our
new President. His stamp collecting career
appears to have started when he was just
2 years of age! In 1979 he started a postal
history collection of the Expatriate Post
Offices Operating in Imperial China and
this has been his abiding interest ever
since. He has written numerous philatelic
articles on China and two books on the History
of the Posts of Imperial China, a third
book on the same subject is about to go
to press. All the Officers and
members of the NPS wish 'Dickie' a successful
July 2002
A Few Changes - Improved
Library Opening Arrangements
- Saturday Meetings
are please to advise that visitors to the
on Tuesdays-Thursdays need no longer telephone
in advance to check availability and the
library opening times are now:
-Thursday 11am to 4.15 pm *
Mondays and Saturdays – but please enquire
between Christmas and New Year
give more time to enjoy the Displays at the NPS Saturday
Meetings, timings have been brought forward
by 15 minutes and, excepting the July AGM
and August when there is no Meeting, the
arrangements are now:
Display starts at 3 p.m. with tea and
coffee served from 2.30 p.m.
to the Display, the 400-lot Room/Postal
Members’ Auction will commence at 1
p.m., with viewing
from 11.15 a.m.
NPS Library is open from 11 a.m.
details on this season’s Displays please
click here. |
January 2002
The National Philatelic
Society - Annual Competition. A Festive

the competitions the Editor
of 'Stamp Lover' magazine, Michael
Furnell, presented the Johnson
Literary Award to Stuart
Henderson as the
author of the most popular article
in 'StampLover' for the year
2000. Stuart’s article was “The
Hunt for the Emden” published
in the December 2000.
As this
was the Christmas Meeting of
the Society, festive refreshments
of mince pies, shortbread and
sherry was served to all members
present. |
The National
Philatelic Society held its
Annual Competition at the British
Philatelic Centre, Charterhouse
Street, London in December 2001.
An excellent number of entries
were received, which were judged
by Peter O'Keeffe and
Grove of the Kent Federation.
winners were:
- Aerophilately
Transatlantic Airmails 1939
- 1944
- Postal
History Ian
Auschwitz Postal History
- Thematic
- History of Sugar
- Traditional
Nutley -
Second World War Forgeries
of France
December 2001
for National Philatelic Society Members
at Autumn Stampex 2001
National Philatelic
Society members achieved success
across all philatelic disciplines
at Autumn Stampex 2001.
The two outstanding performances
were the Aerophilatelic Class
award and Gold medal to Derrick
Pillage for his entry 'US Government
Flights 1918 - 24' in the International
Aerophilatelic Class. This,
incidentally, is his third Aerophilatelic
Class award at Stampex.

The other,
AD Anyon, won the NPS QEII Silver
Jubilee Trophy and a Gold medal
for his entry 'Provisional Issues
of Columbia'. Overall,
National Philatelic Society
Members were awarded - 7 Gold
medals, 2 Large Vermeils, 6
Vermeils, 1 Large Silver medal
and 1 Bronze Silver medal.
The winners were:-
Gold Medals D. Pillage,
Prof. S. Imperato, 'Taxman',
J. Bohn, Lady Mairi Bury, AD
Anyon and WA King.
Vermeils Prof S. Imperato
and D. Springbett.
Vermeils K. Taylor,
G. Morgan, D. Pillage(2), J.
Leathes and R. Tibbenham.
Large Silver Medal AD Sabey.
Bronze Silver Medal R. Tibbenham. |
October 2001
Johnson Award Winner
for 2000 Announced
The Johnson Literary
Award is given annually to the
author of the article which
has received the highest number
of votes from readers of Stamp
Lover in a popularity poll for
the best article published in
Stamp Lover during the previous
year. Polling for this
year's Award closed on 26th
May 2001 and this year's winner
is Stuart Henderson whose winning
article "The Hunt for the
Emden" appeared in the
December 2000 Issue of Stamp
Lover. |

article, illustrated
with pictures of
the ship and the
Miniature Sheet
issued by Cocos
(Keeling) Islands
in 1989, tells of
the exploits the
German Light Cruiser
S.M.S. Emden which
inflicted £15
million of damage
to allied shipping
and shore installations
over a three month
period in 1914,
when at various
times, almost eighty
allied naval vessels
were involved in
the hunt for the
ship across the
Indian Ocean. |
August 2001
Annual General Meeting of the National
Philatelic Society 14th July 2001
The changing face
of philately was the theme of
Frank Jones's review of the
past year at the National Philatelic
Society's 102nd Annual General
Meeting. He of course
was referring to the changing
world of philately both as regards
information technology and in
collecting trends - Social Philately,
Revenues and the 'Open Classes.
The President emphasised that
the National Philatelic Society's
biggest philatelic and financial
asset was the Library, with
much material that is irreplaceable.
As the number of volumes increases
and the use of the library is
also increasing there is a requirement
for extra volunteers to assist
the librarian. The library is
available for use by members
and non-members. The
National Philatelic Society
continues to work closely with
the British Philatelic Trust
and the ABPS on a number of
projects including the development
of the Philatelic website. The
support received from the British
Philatelic Trust continues and
is greatly appreciated. Membership
has remained stable over the
past year and this is encouraging
for the long-term future of
the Society. The NPS remains
at the forefront of UK philately.

Philatelic Centre, home of the
National Philatelic Society
and the NPS Library.
July 2001
National Philatelic
Society at
The National Philatelic
Society had a dual presence
at 'BELGICA 2001' in Brussels
in June 2001, members of the
Society supplied a number of
the competitive entries for
the International Exhibition
and the Society also organised
a visit for members, ably hosted
by the Vice-President - Ian
Nutley. On the competitive
front, out of only 25 UK entries
they received the following
Sabey - British Empire
Exhibition 1924-25. John Barwis
- The half lengths of Victoria
1850 - 59. Large Vermeil - Mark
Spycher - Guatemala 1886 - 1903
- The National Emblem Issue
[NPS Overseas member].
Gold - David Lu - Chinese
airmails and their forerunners
[NPS Overseas member]. Vermeil
- Derrick Pillage - The Legend
of Lindbergh. THEMATIC Large
Vermeil - Sheila Foster - Roses,
Roses all the Way [The only
UK entry]. REVENUE Large
Vermeil - Christopher Podger - Cyprus
Revenue Stamps - Ottoman to
KGV. POSTAL HISTORY Vermeil - Christopher
George Crutwell - Cyprus
Postal History 1353 - 1880.
June 2001

Judges were Dr
Pat Reid
of Berkshire and Len Stacey of Essex. The occasion
also saw the presentation of the annual
Johnson Literary Award to Ian Nutley for
the "The
Mermoz Line" that earlier in 2000, had been
voted the post popular article appearing
in Stamp Lover during 1999.
Ian Nutley, Competitions Officer,
was delighted with the response from members
for the Annual Competition held on Saturday
9th December. The entries well exceeded
the excellent number who had entered the
previous year's competition. The winners
in 2000 were:
- Traditional
Goodman - USA 1853-1860 3c Nesbit
- Postal
Tranmer with Turkish Field Post Offices,
Dardanelles and Gallipoli
- Aerophilately Derrick Pillage with US Government
Air Mails
- Thematic "The
Origins of Cardiac Care" by Steve Boorn
December 2000

101st Annual General Meeting
of National Philatelic Society 8th July
At the Annual General Meeting
of the National Philatelic Society on the
8th July 2000, the President, Frank G Jones,
FRPSL, reported another successful year
of the Society. It was also a very important
milestone in the history of the National
Philatelic Society as it achieved its one-hundredth
birthday. The highlights included
a display, of over 100 frames of material,
provided by members at Spring Stampex and
a similar display given to the Royal Philatelic
Society. This special year closed with a
Society Reception, hosted by Messrs Phillips,
a Centenary Dinner and the Melville Centenary
Lecture at University College, London.
The President in his address reiterated
that the National Philatelic Society was
a general philatelic society, not a specialist
one, where any collector, irrespective of
whether he/she is a beginner or an expert
should be more than happy. He went on to
say "We are grateful to our founder,
Fred Melville, for his foresight and imagination
in establishing our Society. The Society's
principal aims and objectives have not really
changed over all these years".
Joining the Council for the first time is
Christine Earle. Officers for the
coming year are: President - Frank G
Jones FRSPL; Vice President - Major
Dickie Pratt FRPSL; General Secretary
- Peter Mellor; Treasurer - Dane Garrod;
Auctioneer - Michael Thompson; Packet
Secretary - Brian Sylvester; Librarian
- Glenn Morgan; Competitions Officer
- Ian Nutley Editor 'Stamp Lover' -
Michael Furnell.
101st AGM (July

National Philatelic Society Success
at TSS2000
Members of the National
Philatelic Society scooped some of the major
awards at The Stamp Show 2000 held at London's
Earls Court Exhibition Centre in May. The
principal ones were Lady Mairi Bury, Alan
Moorcroft, David Springbett and Peter Wood,
who won Gold medals. A further 10 NPS members
won Large Vermeils and 9 won Vermeils.
Frank Jones, President of the National
Philatelic Society said "Our members
were involved in every aspect of Stamp Show
2000 from judging through to mounting exhibits
and staffing the information desk. Members
were also very evident staffing and running
the display of the International Philatelic
Literature entries and demonstrating the
new UK Philately web site".
The Literature Stand was under the overall
control of Glenn Morgan, Hon Librarian of
the National Philatelic Society who had
almost forty volunteer helpers on the stand
during the seven days of the show. During
the period over 470 books were borrowed
for examination by visitors at the stand,
whilst others viewed the prizes for Exhibitors
that were on display there. Once
again the National Philatelic Society made
its contribution to an International Exhibition,
as it has done for over 90 years.
TSS 2000 (June 2000)

Centenary Handbook wins
awards in London and Vienna
We are pleased to
report that the National Philatelic Society's
Centenary Handbook won Silver Bronze Medals
at The Stamp Show 2000 in London in May
and in WIPA 2000 at Vienna, one week later.
The 64-page Centenary
contains some 30 articles recalling the
first 100 years of the Society. Copies may
be obtained from the National Philatelic
Society, 107 Charterhouse Street, London
EC1M 6PT by sending a cheque for £11
(£10 + postage)
Centenary book wins
awards (June 2000)

Another Success for the National
Philatelic Society Library
A member of the National Philatelic
Society recently sought confirmation that
the World Philatelic Exhibition Moscow 97
was held under the auspices of FIP (International
Federation of Philately). This
was important to him in that it enabled
him to submit entries to other important
philatelic exhibitions worldwide. Fortunately
the Library holds material for
this show - Bulletins 1, 2 and 3, the 112
page illustrated catalogue, the Report of
the Jury listing all the winners of awards
and a Press Release in English and so our
member obtained the confirmation he needed.
were very pleased to help this member –
can our Library help you? |
Another Success
for Library (June 2000)

Melville Booklets from 1924 |
Further fascinating information
about our founder Fred Melville has also
reached us since our Centenary last year
and this includes copies of two very scarce
booklets written by Melville in 1924.
These were entitled "The Boy's
Friend Book of Stamps". They had covers
printed in 3 colours and were distributed
free with "The Boy's Friend" magazine.
Extracts from these booklets will appear
in future issues of "Stamp Lover."
Melville (June 2000)