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Stamp site sponsored and run by the National Philatelic Society, London, United Kingdom

Welcome to UK Philately
Introducing Philately in the UK
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postal history
 Dealers' Associations
Many dealers belong to one or more of the trade organisations in the United Kingdom and the emblems of these organisations are often displayed in their advertisements.

ADPS Stamp Dealers Society

Originally formed as the Approval Dealers Protection Society, the aims and services of the Society were gradually expanded to that of a full stamp trade society, whose members include dealers whose interests did not cover approvals. The present title was adopted in 1972.

Web site:

Further information:


Philatelic Traders' Society Limited

The premier trade society in the UK with around 400 national and international members, "The PTS" as it is popularly known was established as a limited company in 1959.

As well as offering business advice and support to its members, the "PTS" runs the Spring and Autumn STAMPEX International in London.

Web site:  :

Further information:

The Scottish Philatelic Trade Association

 The Association was formed in 1977 to promote and encourage philately in Scotland; and to protect the interests of members of the Association and the interests of all concerned with philately in Scotland.

To this end it organises the Scottish National Stamp and Postcard Fair and Exhibition (Scotex) in Glasgow around October/November each year.

Web site:






Last updated 15/5/2019

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