- Six Auctions a year with Room and Postal
- These are held as part of the National PS Saturday Meetings at 15
Abchurch Lane, London on "odd" months -
click here for dates.
- The Auctions offer 300+
new lots of stamps and postal history that are open to both room and postal
bidders. Plus a postal only section comprising unsold items from the auction
that took place two months previously. The Catalogue may
include a few larger "Room Lots" but, these, like up to ten larger Late Lots
that are normally available on the day (but not included in the
Catalogue), are only open to bidders in the room and must be taken away from
the auction on the day by the purchaser or the seller (if unsold).
- Viewing is available from 10.30 am with the auction
normally starting at 11.30 am.
Click here to view the Catalogue * for the next Auction.
Catalogues are sent to all members automatically with the preceding issue of
Stamp Lover.
* Auction catalogues are normally published a few weeks after the
previous Auction e.g. around the end of January, March etc.
- Interested in the
auctions as a buyer or seller but you not a member of the National
Philatelic Society (as required by our Constitution)?Remedy this by
visting How to Join the National PS and send in your Membership Application.
If you would like to bid in this auction, please go ahead as
indicated in the catalogue, entering your Membership Number as "NEW".
Once your membership has been confirmed, your bid will be processed and you
may bid and sell in future auctions.
- For more information on buying and selling
through the auction, please see
- The Philatelic Auctioneers' Standard
Terms and Conditions of Sale (1973 revision) apply.
- The decision of the Hon Auctioneer shall be final in respect of any
dispute that may arise.