Michael R Thompson (1951-2023)
The National
Philatelic Society has
been saddened by the
news that Michael R.
Thompson, its immediate
past President and
former Hon Auctioneer
passed away on 27 September 2023.
Michael became Hon. Auctioneer of
the NPS in 1997, running its monthly
auctions for over twenty years. For
a decade from 2012, he combined this
with the role of Society President.
Many NPS members will recall
enjoying his President's displays of
Lundy Island, Classic Ceylon, and
Philatelic Congresses - three of his
main interests.
With his drive, determination and
thirst for hard work, the Society
owes a great deal to Michael and it
was indeed unfortunate that the end
of his term of office coincided with
the Covid pandemic and the onset of
illness. Outside his NPS activities,
Michael played an important role in
the Kent philatelic scene and the
London & Provincial Stamp Club, and
was also involved in Stamp Active
where he conducted the children's
stamp auctions at Stampex for many
A fuller tribute to Michael will
appear in December Stamp Lover.
October 2023
London & Provincial Stamp Club
from 1 September 2023,
members of the London & Provincial
Stamp Club
(L &P) have been welcomed to
the National philatelic Society
(NPS). As a result the NPS has
gained 79 new members. A
further 25 L & P members were
already members of the NPS. This
transfer followed a vote by L & P
members after the Club found itself
unable to find new officers.
NPS President, Peter Mellor comments
“ As always, I am delighted
to welcome new members, but in the
of those from the L & P, I
appreciate that it is always a sad
moment when any club or society –
philatelic or otherwise – feels that
mean it has to close its
doors. Nevertheless I hope and
believe that the National can add to
these members’ enjoyment of the
hobby in the way that the L &P did
and certainly we will be the better
and stronger as a result of this
influx of new blood. Indeed it is
good to know that Andrew Horn
of the L & P is already becoming a
valued member of our Packet Team.,
while Julia Todd has been
co-opted onto the NPS Council”.
The London & Provincial Stamp Club’s
origins go back to 1946. In November
of that year, 18 members of an
international philatelic body called
the International Stamp Collectors’
Association (ISCA) met together at a
church hall in Paddington and agreed
to form a London club.
The first meeting was held on
25th November 1946, with Robson
Lowe, the eminent philatelist, as
the guest speaker. His subject was
"organised Philately".This small
group prospered and attracted more
members until in 1950 – upon the
demise of the ISCA – it renamed
itself and became the London &
Provincial Stamp Club.
The club always had as its motto “The Friendly Club for the Average
It welcomed all collectors,
and set out to create a friendly
atmosphere, foster their interests
and carry out meetings in a happy
and informal manner. As the name
implies, the L & P drew members from
across the country and for many
years held Saturday bourses and
auctions at the Victory Services
October 2023