The Provisional Postage Stamps of the Ukraine 1992/6
by Hrhoriy Lobbo, 2nd edition, translated by Andrew O. Martynink.
Published by Ukrainian Philatelic Resources. 250 pages, card cover. Following
the downfall of the Soviet Union and subsequent rebirth of the Ukrainian
nation and the Ukrainian postage stamp, a short- lived period of provisional
postage stamps took place, as described in detail in this book.
Stationery of Pakistan 1967-95 by Aleem Sendal and Rafig Kasbali.
Published by S.K. Publisher, Karachi, Pakistan in 1995. This is a well
illustrated book of over 100 pages, card cover.
Cyprus Postal Stationery 1878-2000, 2nd
edition by A.C. Ionides and C.J. Podger. Published by the Authors. 256 pages,
hardback. Covers a brief postal history of Cyprus specimen rating system, Post
Cards, Registered Envelopes, Newspaper wrappers, Air Letters and postal rates.
Brahmini Dawk A history of Postal
Communications in Mewar by Radha Krishan Sarwaggi and Madhukar Deonawanka.
Published by Madhukar Jhingan, 18 School Lane, New Delhi. 248 pages, hardback.
The State of Udaipur or Mewar as it was called, was the only Kingdom that
persistently resisted Mogul domination in the 16th century. As the map in this
book shows Mewar State is located in Northern India between Pakistan and Nepal
Soruth - Stamps and Postal Historyby
R.A.Malaviya. Published by Ravi Prakashan, Junagadh, India. 130 pages,
hardback. Soruth was a premier state of Kathiawar - the principal Mohammedan
state of Western India. The first postal service was introduced in 1863,
primarily to carry official mail, but soon the public were allowed to use the
service. The first adhesive postage stamps issued by the state appeared in
November 1864 and only a modest number of stamps appeared subsequently. |
Stampless Mail to and from Scandinavia to
1868 by Gandar A. Hughmark and Don Halpern. Published by Rosetta
Stone Press, New Providence, N.J., USA 202 pages, card cover.
Communicaciones v Correos en la Historia de Colombia y
Antioquia by M. Arango A. Peinado & J. Santa Maria. 364 pages,
hardback, with colour illustrations. In Spanish.
Classical Hungarian Stamps printed in the State
Printing House from the beginning of World War I. Published 1996
with English translation. 270 pages hardback, with colour illustrations.
Foreign Post Offices and their cancellations in the
Hellenic Territories to 1923. Vol. A, by Alain Nicolas. Published in
Athens 1996
The Airmails of Malta - Malta Study Circle
Paper no. 29. Published by The Stuart Rossiter Trust. 40 pages A4. spiral
bound. An interesting book for collectors of Malta as it gives data on the
airfields of Malta from 1916 also early flights and air mail services, the
Zeppelin era and wartime airmails plus handstamps, postal markings, airmail
adhesives and other useful information. Well illustrated.
Catalogue of the Shades & Printings of the G.B.
Edward VII stamps by Trevor I. Harris of the Hendon Stamp Co. 12
pages, plastic spiral binding. Contains much new information, even for
specialists, which has never been previously published and is the result of 30
years of original research. Every variety is priced, both unmounted and
mounted mint.
The Principality of Serbia - Postal History &
Postage Stamps 1830-1882 by Dr V.Kardosch, Switzerland. Published
1996 in English translation, limited edition of 600 copies. 380 pages hardback
with many illustrations.
Bull's Eyes
on Covers, a story of the first issue of Brazil on covers. Published
by Phil & Creativ Gmbp Verlag & Agentur. In English & German, 152
pages, card cover.
De La Rue's Queen Victoria Revenue Heads by
Peter F. Mansfield. 24 pages. Paperback. An illustrated study linking Postage
with Revenue stamps before 1881. Colour illustrations. |
I Knew the Persons by Rex Lin. 178 pages,
paperback. Short word sketches of 12 philatelists prominent in Taiwan
A Talk about Fruit by Chin Hsin Lee.
Published in Taipei about 1996. 232 pages illustrated. In Chinese.
STAMPAID by Malik Ahmed Omer. Published in
the "Young Times", Dubai (UAE) during 1999. 100 pages spiral bound.
A collection of articles on stamp collecting for youth.
The Smolensk Region in Philately 1858-1996.
A reference book describing postage stamps, artistic envelopes and cards,
postmarks from 1858 to 1996, postage stamps, and special postmarks. Dedicated
to Yu A. Gagann. In Russian.
Hong Kong Airmails 1924-1941 by Duncan
Crewe. Published by the Hong Kong Study Circle. Spiral bound, plastic covers A4
144 pages. This handbook is the result of many years of research. Postage
markings are fully covered, including date stamps as cancellations, also Air
Mail etiquettes. Many illustrations plus 4 maps and 6 tables.
Hong Kong Airmails 1945-1995 by Nick
Halewood. Published by the Hong Kong Study Circle. 64 pages, card cover. This
is a checklist, which continues the work of Col. Webb, Fred Rogers and Asthur
British Levant Study Paper 2 - King Edward VII
Issues. Published by GB Overprint Society. 80 pages card cover. An
in depth study of these little known issues, following on the first draft of
the paper published in 1981. The overprinting work on the GB stamps of the era
by De La Rue, Harrison and Somerset House is described and the number of
stamps thus overprinted is given. Varieties are listed and some postmark
cancellations are illustrated.
Islands - Notes for Philatelists by Michael Oliver FRPSL. Published
by the British West Indies Study Circle. 300 pages, hardback. This book covers
the postage stamps and stationery issued between 1890 and 1956, with numerous
illustrations and other useful information.
It also gives a brief summary of the postal arrangements from 1840 and tables
covering all 90 post offices plus illustrations of 170 postmarks used by them.
Postage rates are recorded with tables and lists summarising the minimum rates
from 1840. |
The RAF Cairo- Baghdad Air Mail Service
1921-1927. A limited edition of 320 copies by William C. Andrews.
Published by the British Philatelic Trust. 80 pages, hardback. This book tells
the story of the planning and marking of the route. Furrows were ploughed
across the sand of the desert to indicate the route to be followed. Following
proving flights, it was found that on mail for Baghdad and London there was a
saving of 15 days or more by air compared with the sea route. The airmail
service for private correspondence was opened to the public between Cairo and
Baghdad on 13th October 1921 and the rate was the ordinary Imperial Postage of
3 pence, plus an air fee of one shilling per ounce.
The book contains many illustrations of covers carried and also deals with the
extension of the service to Egypt and other countries. Soon Canada and the USA
joined the service, but the amount of mail thus carried was small. Overland
routes competed, but the Air Mail Service retaliated, by reducing rates on all
foreign postal packets. Several pages are devoted to Cachets, Labels,
Squadrons and aircraft. Postal rates are also shown.
Rainbow Trials by David Rowse. 180 pages,
hardback. Published by GB Philatelic Publications Ltd. The story of how and
why the Penny Black changed colour. Soon after the stamp was issued it was
reported that the red cancellation marks applied to the stamps when they were
used could be removed and stamps used again.
This caused serious concern to Rowland Hill and the Post Office, so a series
of "Rainbow Trials" using a variety of colours and shades for the
Penny stamp were undertaken. At least 29 different colours were produced and
many of these are reproduced in the book. Ultimately it was decided that the
penny stamp should be printed in red with black chosen for the obliterator.
The book is superbly printed and illustrated throughout and is a fine example
of the art of printing.
Joshua Bacon, The Printer of Banknotes and the First
Postage Stamp by David Rowse. Published by GB Philatelic
Publications Ltd. 74 pages, hardback. The author reports that although Joshua
Bacon was central to the events of Perkins Bacon & Co. from the time he
joined this firm of printers in 1821 to the time of his death in 1863, very
little is known about him, although the firm is still renowned as printer of
the Penny Black. Despite this, the author has succeeded in producing a very
readable book about Joshua Bacon. It includes his background, his army service
when he fought against the English in 1814 and his marriage to Sarah, the
younger daughter of Jacob Perkins an inventor and engineer, who took him into
partnership in his business then renamed Perkins & Bacon. Jacob Perkins
subsequently went to London to seek a contract for printing bank notes and in
1821 summoned Joshua to cross the Atlantic and take charge of the new printing
and engraving firm. There are chapters about the trials and tribulations over
a period of years and how Rowland Hill attended a meeting with Bacon to see
his machinery on 23rd July 1838. The ultimate result was the production of the
postage stamp.
United States Stamp Booklets 1999 Postage and
Airmail. 190 pages, card cover. Covers all the issues from the first
in 1909 to the most recent issues. Well illustrated and a very useful book for
collectors of this branch of philately.
British Civilian Postal Rates of the 20th
Century by Michael Furfie. Published by the author. 62 pages, card
cover. Covers inland rates, foreign surface mail and foreign airmail rates and
lists some 5000 basic rates in all. |
Egypt Stamps & Postal History, a
Philatelic Treatise by Peter A.S. Smith, published by James Bendon Ltd. 880
pages, hardback. A mammoth volume dealing with the post in Egypt from 1798
plus the Foreign Post Offices, from the early issues to the King Farouk
definitives. There are chapters on Official stamps, postage dues, airmails and
express stamps, plus postal markings, cancellations, postal rates, military
and wartime mail, postal stationery, TPOs, meters and mechanical franking.
Postal Stationery of Shanghai and Treaty
Ports by S J Kruger & Donald Alexander. Published by Stamp
Society Inc. 66 pages, hardback. Covers the period 1873-1895, with postal
cards, lettercards, commemorative covers and newspaper wrappers etc. Well
Ethiopia 1876-1936. History of stamps and
postal history by Robert Sciaky. Published by VACCARI, Vignola, Italy. 220
pages, hardback. Includes a map of the Ethiopian post routes in 1904, chapters
on the admission of the country to the UPU in 1908, the provisional surcharges
of 1919-1928, the Italian occupation of 1936, postal rates 1895-1936 and much
other useful data.
Major Canadian Postage Stamp Errors of
the Queen Elizabeth II Era (1953-1996) Part 1 by Joseph Monteiro,
edited by Samuel Rock. Published by the Author. Over 200 pages, plus table of
contents. |
Stamps of Jordan 1920-1965. A philatelic
study by Abed Habib Najjar. Published by Sahara Publications Ltd. A limited
edition of 300 signed and numbered copies. 236 pages, hardback. The main
objective of the author is to stimulate interest among collectors in a long
neglected area, which is achieved with a profusion of detail and many
illustrations in colour.
The Airmails of Canada and Newfoundland.
This is a volume in the 6th edition of the American Air Mail
Catalogue, published through the sponsorship of the Canadian Aerophilatelic
Society and the auspices of the American Air Mail Society. 550 pages,
hardback. Many illustrations.
Airmail Operations during World War II by
Thomas H. Doyle. Published by the American Air Mail Society. 928 pages. The
purpose of the book is to provide information and to show examples of wartime
airmail originating in countries militarily involved, occupied by foreign
armies and those that remained neutral. Airmail rates are quoted and there are
a number of maps. A chapter is devoted to special markings on airmail, such as
crash covers, transmission markings and a secret U.S. Censor code.
Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Part 22 - United States, 5th
edition. 460 pages, card cover.
Priced Catalogue of New South Wales Revenue &
Railway Stamps. Edited by Richard C. Peck and David Ingle Smith.
Published by The Cinderella Stamp Club of Australasia. 144 pages, comb
Complementos y Entrecintas en los Sellos.
Postales Argentinos by Miguel A. Giliberti. Published by Biblioteca del
Cronista Filatelico. 112 pages.
Facit Postal VI Catalogue. Published by
Facit Forlags A.B. Catalogue of Swedish town cancellations.
Catalogo Enciclopedico de Selos & Historia Postal
do Brazil. Published by Editora RHM, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 430 pages.
Norway Number One. The new handbook by
Torre G. Jelsvik, 2nd edition. Published by Norsk Filatelistforbund &
Filatelistisk Forlag AS Oslo. 128 pages, hardback. All about the first
Norwegian stamp issued in 1885. Colour illustrations.
Revenue Stamps & Revenue Stamped
Papers in Estonia by Ants Kulo. Published by the International
Estonian Philatelic Society in English. 96 pages. |
Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise Catalogue,
2000. 330 pages, card cover.
Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Vol. 4 - QEII Decimal
Definitive issues, including stamp booklets. 9th edition, loose
Joyas del la Filatelia Espanola - Gems of
Spanish Philately. Published by Afsina. In Spanish.
The Official Postal Labels of Australia by
E.J. Frazer & Robin C. Occelshaw. Published by Cinderella Stamp Club of
Machine Cancellations on Trinidad & Tobago
1923-1997. De Rijkspost in Limburf by J. Ickewroth.
Notes of the Stamps of Colombian States by
Dr Gene Scott.
Peru Postgeschichte und erste Briefmarken
by Herbert H. Moll (text in German)
Postsaga Islands 1776-1873 by Heimir
Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America,
1928-1940 by Mario D. Kurchan, FRPSL. Includes information on rates
and airlines, with maps and illustrations of covers. Does not include pioneer
flights or the Lufthansa Catapult service. The book is divided into sections,
firstly with some notes on the airlines, and then by country. Each section is
in Spanish followed by an English translation.
The Guide for the Development of Philately.
Published by the UPU and the World Association for the Development of
Philately. 142 pages. This book is aimed at postal administrations, dealers,
agencies and philatelic federations.
Chapter by chapter, it takes the reader through the hobby. There are sections
on the emergence of philately, the industry and the philatelic market, all
copiously illustrated with graphs and charts. The market is analysed by the
age and the purchasing power of collectors and is divided into philatelists,
collectors and hoarders. The sections on marketing the products and the
attracting of new customers and lapsed collectors are particularly revealing.
The Queen Mother's Centenary - Celebrated
in Stamps. By Peter Jennings FRPSL and Tim Graham. Published by Sahara
Publications Ltd. 108 pages hardback bound with full colour dustjacket. Tim
Graham has recorded with photographs thousands of images of the public role of
the Royal Family in more than 100 countries, over a period of nearly 30 years.
The book has colour illustrations on almost every page depicting the Queen
Mother in her many roles from childhood to her wedding to the Duke of York in
1923, the birth of the Princess Elizabeth In 1926 and her crowning as Queen
Consort at the Coronation of her husband His Majesty King George VI in 1937.
British Commonwealth Revenues 6th edition,
published May 2000 by J Barefoot Ltd. 270 pages A4 format, illustrated
throughout. This catalogue presents in simplified form, all the adhesive
revenues of the Commonwealth plus Ireland and some forerunner territories, but
excludes Indian States as they are already covered by Koeppel's handbook, and
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which are listed in Barefoot's "Great
Britain Revenues". The details given include watermarks, perforations,
colour shades, dates of issue and current prices for used specimens.
Olympia - Fahrt 1936 by John Duggan. Number
6 in the series published by The Zeppelin Study Group. (John Duggan is the
author or co-author of all these monographs). 48 pages, card cover. The text
is in English and German. This well illustrated book tells the story of the
Zeppelin Olympic Flight in 1936 and depicts many illustrations of German cards
and covers, also items of Treaty State mail. There are some excellent
photographs of the Zeppelin in flight over Berlin, also a map showing the
flight's route, a passenger and crew list, a sample menu, a wine list and bar
card. The postal regulations are given. Special postmarks are also
The British Library - Philatelic
collections. A new 16 page brochure giving brief details of the 38
principal and supplementary collections comprising The British Library
Philatelic Collections which are the National Philatelic Collections first
established in 1891 with the bequest of the Tapling Collection. Details are
also given about the extensive display of material from the collections which
is on exhibition, plus the research facilities available, the major collection
of philatelic literature and the photographic services which are part of the
Thematic Stamp Catalogue of Scouting, first
edition, published by Domfil Groupo Afinsa, Barcelona, Spain. 560 pages,

Lists all the Scouting theme stamps which have been issued throughout the
world, together with DOMFIL, Yvert, Michel and Scott reference numbers. Also
gives a brief history of Baden Powell and the Scout movement. Full colour
illustrations throughout.
British Censorship of Civil Mails During World War I
1914-1919. By Graham Mark FRPSL. Published by The Stuart Rossiter
Trust Fund. 288 pages, card cover.
This book discloses that "the total number of postal packets examined
during the period August 1914 to June 1919 was estimated at 630 million of
which 1.3 million (0.2%) were detained. Thus the scope of the book is

There are chapters on the historical background of mail censorship up to the
end of the nineteenth century; the objectives and legal aspects of censorship;
mails to and from Enemy Countries; Undercover Mail; Mails from and to Allied
Countries in Europe; also to neutral countries in Europe and mails to many
other countries in various parts of the world and much more including Censors'
Handstamps. The whole book is very well illustrated.
The Hradcany Issue 1918 - 1920 by Robert
Bradford. Published by Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain
(Monograph No. 13) 36 pages. When the Czechoslovak Republic was formed in
October 1918, the new authority commissioned a well-known artist, Alfons Mucha
to design new stamps. These depicted Prague Castle at Hradcany and St. Vitus
Cathedral and this monograph is devoted to an in depth study of these stamps.
Includes some excellent colour illustrations.
Mails under London by Eur.Ing.L.C.Stanway,
BEng, FIMechE. Published by AEPS Publications, Basildon, Essex.

Tells the interesting story of the carriage of the mails on London's
underground railways, including the Pneumatic Despatch which entered service
in 1853, the Crystal Palace Railway, the Waterloo and Whitehall Railway, the
Battersea Demonstration Line and of course the well known Post Office Railway,
which initially ran between Euston Station to the North Western District Post
Office in Eversholt Street, London. There are many interesting illustrations,
the early ones being line drawings, and later actual photographs. Also much
detail about the rolling stock, for the author is a Chartered Mechanical
Bruno Wennerberg 1866-1950. A tribute to
his Postcards relating to World War I by Peter Collins. (editor of "Stamp
Lover" 1987-1989.) This "undiscovered" book came into our
possession as a result of meeting Walter Schmidt of Jacksonville, Oregon USA
at Earls Court in May. Walter published this book in America, via his company
Cinderella Publications, in December 1991, shortly after Peter Collins died in
November 1991. The book tells the story of Wennerberg, a talented artist who
was born in Sweden in August 1866 and settled in Bavaria in 1912 where he
remained until his death in 1950. The author describes the artist as keeping
"his humanity intact, his art form pure and romance alive in a world
engulfed in tragedy and pain." There are numerous coloured illustrations
of original postcards, which get the message across.
Post-und Telekommunikationsgeschichte
published in German by Deutsch Gesellschaft für Post- und
Telekommunikationsgeschichte e V (DGPT). 168 pages, card cover.
A Waterlow Bibliography (revised edition).
Compiled by members of the Waterlow Study Circle.1998.32 pages.
Military Cards and Lettercards of the Exiled Czech
Forces in France and Great Britain 1939 - 1945 by V.J.Kralicek and
W.A.Page. Monograph no.12. 30 pages, illustrated.
Cyprus - The Large Half Overprints of 1886
by Robin Davis. Published by The Cyprus Study Circle. A4. 14 pages, paper
Italian Postal Stationery Specialised Catalogue
1999 - Italy and ancient states by Franco Filanci and Carlo
Sopracordevole. Includes useful articles in English and Italian on postal
stationery collecting.
Guatemala Vol.2. The Postal History and
Philately. 340 pages by the International Society of Guatemala
Collectors, edited by Roland A. Goodman. Deals with postage stamps from 1902
-1971, postal stationery, pioneer and first flights, ambulante markings,
fiscal and telegraph stamps. Published 1981.