Fauna, Prehistorics & Fossils Catalogue (25th edition). Published by Domfil, Barcelona, Spain.
208 pages. The catalogue lists 3,282 stamps in 697 sets. Printed in full colour, the text is in Spanish and English, with values quoted in Euros and US dollars. This catalogue is one of a series of specialised titles, others of which cover a wide range of thematic stamp subjects such as flowers, butterflies, mushrooms, marine life, and basketball; also Scouting, Disney and Winter Olympic Games.
Madagascar Rail and Mail Services by C W Spong. Published by The Indian Ocean Study Circle. 102 pages. card cover. There are not many books on Madagascar in the NPS Library, so this volume is particularly welcome. The book is well illustrated with photographs and reproductions of stamps and postmarks. The first chapter is fascinating for it is devoted to an introduction to the island of Madagascar, a former French Colony, now known as the Malagasy Republic. Information is given on the geography, people and history of the island, together with a history of the Railways from the end of the nineteenth century. A useful map showing the main roads and railway lines is incorporated and there are many pages devoted to the railway lines, with photographs of trains, tunnels, construction work and stations.

On the postal side, chapters deal with the arrangements on the various lines for the carriage of mail. The Cancellations used are illustrated and described and there is a listing of the Madagascar/Malagasy stamps that have been issued, showing the island’s railways and locomotives. The Appendices contain further detailed information on topics such as Boite Mobile handstamps and maritime services between France and Madagascar.
Catalogue Ceres Colonies Françaises, 53rd edition. Published by Ceres
Philatelie, Paris, France.
2 volumes (495 and 245 pages) with colour illustrations and prices in Euros. Lists the stamps issued by the French Colonies, Andorra, Monaco, Saar and Overseas Territories.
Greek HELLAS 2003 Stamps and Postal History Catalogue Volumes 1 and
2. Compiled by Michalis Tsipidis aided by Argyris Karamitsos. With an Introduction of nine pages covering both volumes, Volume 1 includes the regular stamps of Greece from 1861 up to 30th October 2002 with separate chapters on airpost, charity, postage due stamps and National Resistance issues. There are 33 pages written on the Large Hermes Heads. All issues prior to 1960 have a boxed section giving the perforation, watermark, designer, method of printing, printer and number of stamps on a sheet. Also, most issues before 1960 have useful details of the issue. Volume 2 contains twenty sections of the New Territories, including Mount Athos, North Epirus, lonian Islands and Crete, followed by 17 pages on the various cancellations used throughout Greece. The pictures of all stamps are shown in full colour and with 446 pages in Volume 1 and 331 pages in Volume 2.
The Czechoslovak Legion in Poland & Russia plus Czchoslovaks in the Middle East 1940 - 1943 by the late Dr Vratislav Palkoska and Otto Hornung RDP. Monograph No.16, published by Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain size A4, 48 pages. Many illustrations, including some in colour. Otto Hornung undertook the translation of two most important studies by the late Dr Palkoska and has also added comments based on his own experiences in Poland, Russia and the Middle East. A fine selection of archival photographs are included which enhance the text and much new information has been added including data on the story of the Czechoslovak Legion in Poland and Russia. This work is intended to complement monograph 5, which deals with Czechoslovak Forces in France 1939/40 and 1944/45, plus monograph 13, which deals with the Czechoslovak Forces in Great Britain, 1940-45.
Bears on Stamps by Nancy H Phillips EdD and Tern Waddell. Published by the American Topical Association. 57 pages, perfect bound. A wide range of bears is featured in this book including American and Asiatic Black Bears, Grizzly, Sloth, Sun and the Spectacled Bear. Then there is information on the well known Polar Bear and the rare Panda. Photographs and checklists for each variety are provided, plus information to assist readers to understand the diets, habitats and characteristics of these large animals. Fictional bears are also listed including such well known characters as Rupert, Paddington and Baloo (from Jungle Book).

British Army Postal Cancellations of the Anglo-oer War 1899 - 1902 by Peter Prime. Published by Anglo-Boer War Philatelic Society. 116 pages, card cover. Contains many illustrations including some in
colour. Packed full of information about the various postmarks and date stamps, plus a brief outline of the Anglo-Boer War, the preparations for a Postal Service in the event of war and a map of South Africa. An impressive amount of research has been undertaken into this fascinating subject.
The Postal Services of the Gold Coast to 1901 by Philip Beale, Michare
Ensor, Jeremy Martin, Peter Newroth and John Sacher (who also edited the volume). Published by The Royal Philatelic Society London. A superbly produced and illustrated volume which compliments the two other works on former British Colonies in West Africa - Sierra Leone and Nigeria - previously published by the
RPSL. The book includes a summary of the turbulent history of the region from the earliest trading companies, via the many wars with and between the tribes. The Postal Service apparently developed in a haphazard way from the early 1850s, with the GPO London rather reluctant to take responsibility. The early letter period is followed by an examination of the Packet Service and its problems.
The Postal Stationery of the Canal Zone Editor lrwin F Gibbs. Published by the United Postal Stationery Society, Norfolk, Virginia 25301 - 1792, U.S.A. Revised by Canal Zone Study Group. 88 pages card cover. This is a catalogue of all postal stationery, including envelopes, registration items, air mall and official penalty envelopes, also single post cards and air mall postal cards issued from 1907. Earliest reported dates are listed. Well illustrated.
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, part 4 Benelux. 400 pages, soft-bound cover. This is the 5th edition in the present form and it has been extensively updated. The early issues of Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Netherlands Colonies have been rewritten and the Belgian Railway Parcels stamps have been revised in line with recent discoveries and research. Prices have been carefully reviewed and updated.
Collect Birds on Stamps 5th edition. Published by Stanley Gibbons. 356 pages, black and white illustrations.
Maritime Disaster MaiI by Norman Hoggarth FRPSL and Robin Gwynn
FRPSL, FRPSNZ. Published by Stuart Rossiter Trust Fund. 352 pages, hardback. This book is devoted to a study of mail salvaged from marine disasters, as casualties of war, collision, fires, shipwrecks and stranding. The seven chapters cover the period from 1776 to post World War II. An appendix is devoted to mail seized during the two major wars of the 20th century. Profusely illustrated with much interesting data.
Parcel Post - Malta by Arthur Mailer. Published by Malta Study Group. 64 pages, spiral binding. With numerous illustrations, the contents include:
Parcel Post Service cancellations
Registration handstamps
Bomb Scare handstamp of the Parcel Office
Forces Post Office parcel handstamp
Unclamed parcels handstamp
SAL (Surface Air Lifted) handstamp and label
Bulletin d’Expédition cards
Customs forms
Local declaration forms
Certificate of posting
Parcel labels and handstamps of each office
Parcel post delivery notes
Parcel Mail Bag Labels
Photographs of Parcel Offices
A Postal History of Campbell Island, New Zealand by Mark
Jurisich. Published by Classic Stamps Ltd. Christchurch, New Zealand. 53 pages. This is the second edition and covers from 1909 (when the New Zealand whalers arrived) to 2001 when there was a campaign to eradicate the rat population. The first edition covered the period when the New Zealand Post Office had a Postal Agency associated with the meteorological station in Perseverance Harbour (1952 to 1995)
A Postal History of Ross Dependency (New Zealand Antarctic) by Mark
Juisich. Published by Classic Stamps Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand. 137 pages and over 400 illustrations of covers, maps. photos etc. This book starts with the preparations in 1955 for New Zealand’s participation in the Trans-Antarctic Expedition and concludes with the completion of the summer season of the 20th anniversary of Scott Base in 1977. A very interesting book which follows on from the Robert Duos 1997 monograph New Zealand Antarctic Postal History to1941.
Airmails of Siam by Nils Ramm-Ericson. Published by the author at Sundholmsgatan 44, Malmo Sweden. Published in 5 parts all bound with spiral plastic. A total of 426 pages, with many black and white illustrations. This handbook covers the initial 25 years of the development of Siam’s (later Thailand) airmail service. It deals with the build up and development of the domestic and international airmail services in the 1920’s and 1930’s and the adjustment of these services during World War II. Further background information is given in the Preface. Special attention has been given to the provision of detailed references.
Errors by Tom Pierson. The 2003 catalogue of errors discovered on QEII British Postage Stamps.
Published by Bacchic Multimedia, an independent publishing company not associated with Royal Mail nor with any firm of stamp dealers or auctioneers. 400 pages, card cover, (plus CD-ROM). This brand new catalogue, first published in February 2003 is a mine of information about the many errors found on British stamps issued to date during the reign of HM Queen Elizabeth II. Stamps with errors are listed and illustrated in full colour with a normal version. The known quantity of each error is given; genuine market prices are listed in sterling, euros (at 1.6 euros to the £) and US dollars (at 1.45 dollars to the £). There are sections on valuations, a page of stamp dealers who specialise in errors (the Publishers do not buy or sell errors) and data about U.K. organisations that specialise in the expertisation of British stamps. An informative chapter on the investment prospects for stamp errors is useful and there is a section on error statistics covering the past half century A guide to error terminology is provided and this is accompanied typical illustrations.
The Illustrated Aviation & Air Mail History of Fiji by Bryan A Jones. Published by The Pacific Islands Study Circle, 335 pages hardback. This well produced and illustrated book covers the period from January 1884 (when “The Fiji Times” used an unofficial Pigeon Post from Suva to
Levaka) to a list of dispatch times of Domestic Airmail at the GPO Suva in March 1999. A fascinating volume about this Pacific country and the development of its airmail services over the years.
Indian States The following books on various Indian Feudatory States have recently been generously donated to the Library:
Postal History of lndore State by N J Harkaway
Hyderabad Postmarks by M Ashrai
Dilemmas of Early Duttia by F Staal
Sacred Cow Issues of Bundi by R J Benns
Bhopal by D. Owen Davies
Barwani Fiscals by J.E.A. Trowbridge
Bamra; its postage stamps, postmarks, postal stationery, forgeries and fiscals by R J Benns
Bahawalpur by Ron Woods
The Jewish World in Stamps by Robert L Eisenberg MD. Published by Gazelle. 280 pages, hardback. The author Dr Eisenberg is an internationally renowned radiologist who has written 20 books on his medical
speciality. He has also written extensively on both stamps and Jewish topics and is an avid stamp collector. This well-illustrated new book covers The Bible, The Diaspora, Zionism and the State of Israel, Jewish Traditions and Values, and Jewish Communities.
Zanzibar 1895-1904. The latest handbook of the East Africa Study Circle. 90 pages A4 card cover. This book comprises a reprint of Thomas William Hall’s treatise on Zanzibar which appeared in the Africa section of ‘Africa: Part III’ originally published by Stanley Gibbons for the Philatelic Society, London in 1906. The Royal Philatelic Society has given permission for the reprinting of this highly important work of Zanzibar research. Coupled with this is the 1947 paper entitled ‘Zanzibar: Some Spurious Varieties’ by Sir John Wilson, who was at that time Keeper of the Royal Collection and originally published in ‘The Philatelist’. This appears as Appendix I, while Appendix II by Join Minns FRPSL covers additional research, which brings the study up-to-date. Richard Knight
RDPSA, FRPSL has written the “Foreword’ which explains the need to republish this important gap in Zanzibar philatelic literature. There are numerous excellent black and white illustrations of stamps, plus four pages in
colour, also positional diagrams, and an A3 section depicting a sheet of 120 stamps indicating various varieties.

Penguins, Potatoes & Postage Stamps by Allan B. Crawford. Published by Anthony Nelson. 168 pages, hardback. The sub-title of this book is A Tristan da Cunha Chronicle” and it is indeed just that, written by a man who has devoted many years of his life to this remote island and its inhabitants. Popularly known as “the loneliest island in the world”, the author first visited Tristan da Cunha in 1937, when as a very young man he took part in a four month scientific expedition. At the time Tristan had a population of 188 people, very few modern amenities and used potatoes as currency. During World War II Tristan became a Naval base after which there was gradual post-war development interrupted by the temporary evacuation of the island in 1961, due to the eruption of the volcano.
Until 1952 Tristan da Cunha had no proper postal service and therefore no official postage stamps, although there were the famous potato stamps in 1946, thus denominated due to a lack of local currency. Of special interest to philatelists are the author’s research notes and original designs for postage stamps for the island. He was involved with some 16 issues of stamps and in this book over 70 pages are devoted to some of the stamps issued over the years, plus an appendix showing the postal cachets and also the original petition for postage stamps dated 10th May 1946. There are 8 pages of colour illustrations.
London Late Fee & Too Late Mail by John
Parmenter. 118 pages, hardback. Published by the Rossiter Trust & British Philatelic Trust for the London Postal History Group. This is a comprehensive review front 1840 to 1930 of the Post Office Late Fee Service, which gives the rates for this facility from London Post Offices and Railway Stations. The book contains an immense amount of information, including the fact that Rowland Hill insisted that late fees be pre-paid with stamps, believing that payments in cash would run the risk of going straight into the Postman’s pocket. There are many illustrations of cancellations and other
handstamps, together with a priced catalogue. Over 30 pages are devoted to a chart of postage and late fee rates from 1840 to 1930 for Foreign and Colonial destinations, with late fees for letters, newspapers, postcards and Registered Mail.
Stanley Gibbons Catalogue Part 5 Czechoslovakia and Poland 6th edition, October
2002. 304 pages. This is the first edition since 1994 and with the emergence of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Catalogue Editor reports that the earlier issues of Czechoslovakia have achieved substantial price increases for both mint and used stamps, while the stamps of the Czech Republic and Slovakia show steady price increases throughout. The values of Polish stamps have shown minor variations both up and down; although occupation issue and the stamps for the Post Offices in Turkey have achieved some dramatic rises in prices.
Belgium 1935 State Seal Issue by J.Barry Home FRPSL. A4 card cover, 60 pages with colour illustrations on cover and many mono illustrations. The definitive issue described in this book was issued over a period of 15 years, until it was replaced by the Numeral on Lion issue in 1951. More than 20 values were produced, plus either overprinted or surcharged stamps. Postal Stationery cards and reply cards were also issued bearing this design. Numerous flaws and overprints can be found, and these are explained or illustrated in the book.
Ceres Catalogue of France Postage Stamps 2003 Published by Ceres
Philatelie, Paris, France. 560 pages with colour illustrations. Covers the postage stamps of France, Monaco, Andorra, Polynesia and Terres Australes and there are sections on varieties, exhibitions, French military posts, cancellations, roulettes, specimens, service stamps, tax stamps and telegraphs.
A Comprehensive illustration of Covers with Sinkiang Provisional by David Y. Lu. 256 pages. Researches the background and the whole course of the Sinkiang Provisional airmail stamp. Parallel texts in Chinese and English.
The Queen’s Stamps. As part of the celebrations for the Queen’s Golden Jubilee a travelling exhibition was organised during the Summer of 2002, comprising a selection of interesting items from The Royal Philatelic Collection. The chosen venues comprised The Palace of
Edinburgh, Sandringham and Hampton Court Palace and this 40-page catalogue was produced in connection with these exhibitions. The catalogue is illustrated in colour throughout and features some of the very fine items that were chosen for display including a block of 10 Penny Blacks on a first day cover, the largest known surviving block of 38 Twopenny Blues (plate 1) and items from the Commonwealth including a Mauritius 2d blue, a Mauritius ‘Ball Cover’, British Guiana ‘Cotton Reels’, 1848 ‘Perots’ of Bermuda, Canadian stamps issued for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, and a range of commemorative stamps issued for the Silver Jubilee of King George V. Also included was a display by the Crown Agents Stamp Bureau featuring unique historical material loaned by The Queen and others by The British Forces Post Office.
The Postal History of the Free Czechoslovak Forces in Great Britain1940-1945
by Richard Beith. Published by the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain (Monograph no.15). 90 pages, card cover. This very well illustrated monograph (in black and white, but with some
colour) reports on the escape from France to Britain of Czech compatriots and gives the military locations of the land forces in Great Britain during 1940 to 1944. It goes on to give details of reinforcements from the Middle Fast, the military field post and its regular postal markings, censorship and soldiers mail to and from overseas locations. Commemorative postmarks of the military field post are described and illustrated and there is a section on the Return to France in 1944 while 10 pages are devoted to Czechoslovaks in the RAF in 1940-45.
Sterling Machins by Robin Tibbenham. 250 pages, spiral bound. The first Machins appeared in the days of
£.s.d and this in depth study deals with these stamps from their introduction in 1967 up to Decimalisation in 1971.The listings cover all issued stamps and formats and take into account the differing levels of fluorescence. The Booklets are covered and Appendices deal specifically with fluorescence, flaws and shades.
The Camel Postman 1898-1998 by Richard Stock. 80 pages. This book starts with the origins of the Camel Postman design, which was first introduced in 1898 in the days of Lord Kitchener and was subsequently used on both definitive and commemorative stamps of the Sudan through to 1998. The development and history of the design is described with detailed listings of all the definitive and commemorative stamps involved.
The Revenue Stamps of Argentina VoIs. IV and V. by Clive Akerman. The volumes are based on the author’s collection which is up to the 1970’s and adds to the previous listing undertaken in 1915 by A.
Forbin. Volume IV (154 pages) covers the provinces and municipalities of Salta to San Luis and Santa Fe, and Volume V (184 pages), the municipalities of Santa Fe and the provinces and municipalities of Santiago del Estero and
Tucuman. Stamped paper, strip types and other material are included.