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National PS sponsors the Court of Honour at EuroPhilex - 7-11 May 2025
The  National is pleased to be sponsoring the Court of Honour at EuroPhilex, the UK's mid-decade international stamp exhibition that is being held at the National Exhibition Centre near Birmingham from Wednesday 7 May to Sunday 11 May 2025.

The Court of Honour will include the 1856 British Guiana 1 Cent Magenta, the world’s most expensive stamp, courtesy of Stanley Gibbons.

Details of the Exhibition can be found at

The current issue of Stamp Lover - February 2025.

  • The First Stamp to commemorate Christmas : Julian Bagwell  sets out his criteria for which issues should be regarded as special ones for Christmas and examines which ones were the first.

  • Herbert Edgar Watson and The Stamp Collectors Miscellany by Brian Birch. An investigation into a philatelic literature dealer of the early 20th century and a short-lived journal.

  • A curiosity from a small village on an island. Michael Torregiani writes about postcards from a  village on the Isle of Wight.

  • Politically incorrect Poole, Michael L. Goodman wonders if some of the writings of  of Bertram W H Poole more than a century ago would be tolerated these days.

  • Nyasaland on reflection. Michael Round draws attention to a little known flaw  on some of its Queen Elizabeth II pictorials.

  •  Meeting reports; Some covers from Barry Feltham's Space Race display in November 2024, the December virtual meeting featuring Julian Bagwell's Christmas material and January's London meeting where Mick Bister showed  French Somali Coast.

  • Newsmix : Obituary of Michael Roberts, President of the Royal Philatelic Society; New issue programme for Great Britain.

  • Book Reviews – Detailed and informative reviews are a regular feature of the magazine. Reviewed in this issue are Hugh Robinson, A Prisoner of War Story 1939-1945, edited by the late Gavin Fryer and Paid postmarks of the United Kingdom 1840-2006 by Cyril R H Parsons.


    • The President's Piece
    • National PS News
    • Letters to the Editor
    • Stamp Fairs Listing -  late January, February and March 2025.


Johnson Award 2023

Readers have voted for their favourite feature article published  in Stamp Lover during 2023 and Christopher Oliver FRPSL was the clear  winner  with his three part feature “A philatelic wander through  the Isle of Purbeck” published in the August ,October and December 2023 issues. Runners up were ”A personal involvement in South Georgia stamps” by Tim Heilbronn, and  Polynesian Airlines , the experimental flights” , by Keith Johnson.

The traditional writing set was presented to Christopher Oliver at the Society's Annual General Meeting on 13 July 2024. This was the first time the presentaton was made in person since the Covid crisis.

Michael R Thompson (1951-2023)

The National Philatelic Society has been saddened by the news that Michael R. Thompson, its immediate past President  and former Hon Auctioneer passed away on 27 September 2023.

Michael became Hon. Auctioneer of the NPS in 1997, running its monthly auctions for over twenty years. For a decade from 2012, he combined this with the role of Society President. Many NPS members will recall enjoying his President's displays of Lundy Island, Classic Ceylon, and Philatelic Congresses - three of his main interests.


With his drive, determination and thirst for hard work, the Society owes a great deal to Michael and it was indeed unfortunate that the end of his term of office coincided with the Covid pandemic and the onset of illness. Outside his NPS activities, Michael played an important role in the Kent philatelic scene and the London & Provincial Stamp Club, and was also involved in Stamp Active where he conducted the children's stamp auctions at Stampex for many years.

A fuller tribute to Michael will appear in December Stamp Lover.                                                                  October 2023


London & Provincial Stamp Club

As  from 1 September 2023, members of the London & Provincial Stamp Club (L &P) have been welcomed to the National philatelic Society (NPS). As a result the NPS has  gained 79 new members. A further 25 L & P members were already members of the NPS. This transfer followed a vote by L & P members after the Club found itself unable to find new officers.

NPS President, Peter Mellor comments  “ As always, I am delighted to welcome new members, but in the case  of those from the L & P, I appreciate that it is always a sad moment when any club or society – philatelic or otherwise – feels that circumstances  mean it has to close its doors. Nevertheless I hope and believe that the National can add to these members’ enjoyment of the hobby in the way that the L &P did and certainly we will be the better and stronger as a result of this influx of new blood. Indeed it is good to know that Andrew Horn of the L & P is already becoming a valued member of our Packet Team., while Julia Todd has been co-opted onto the NPS Council”. 

The London & Provincial Stamp Club’s origins go back to 1946. In November of that year, 18 members of an international philatelic body called the International Stamp Collectors’ Association (ISCA) met together at a church hall in Paddington and agreed to form a London club.  The first meeting was held on 25th November 1946, with Robson Lowe, the eminent philatelist, as the guest speaker. His subject was "organised Philately".This small group prospered and attracted more members until in 1950 – upon the demise of the ISCA – it renamed itself and became the London & Provincial Stamp Club.

The club always had as its motto “The Friendly Club for the Average Collector”.  It welcomed all collectors, and set out to create a friendly atmosphere, foster their interests and carry out meetings in a happy and informal manner. As the name implies, the L & P drew members from across the country and for many years held Saturday bourses and auctions at the Victory Services Club.

                                                                                                                                                                             October 2023


2022 Annual General Meeting - Change of President

The Annual General meeting held on July 9th was a significant one as Michael Thompson stepped down as Hon .President after a decade in office. He is succeeded by Peter Mellor, a former hon. secretary and current membership secretary. There was a special presentation after the formal business when Michael Thompson was presented with books, a special goblet and a greeting card of appreciation signed by members present. Peter Mellor who made the presentation praised Michael 's “sterling work for the society over the years “.



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